Unlocking Evidence

M. Ramjohn
Unlocking Evidence
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Unlocking the Law is the groundbreaking series of textbooks with a unique approach to the study of undergraduate law. Designed specifically to make the subject matter accessible, the text is broken up with features, activities, key facts charts, diagrams, and numerous headings and sub-headings. Unlocking the Law textbooks have been written specifically to ensure that readers understand fully the concepts required and are able to apply them with confidence. All titles in the series follow the same formula and include the same features so students can move easily from one subject to another. The series covers all the core subjects required by the Bar Council and the Law Society for entry onto professional qualifications as well as popular option units. Unlocking the Law textbooks remain the most original and accesible textbooks available.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-340-97292-2, 9780340972922
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Hodder

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