Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering

R. Noyes
Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering
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Traditional technologies have been included, as well as those that can be considered innovative, and emerging. The traditional approaches have been the most successful, as contractors are careful about bidding on some of the newer technologies. However, as regulatory requirements increase, markets will open for the innovative and emerging processes. There will be increasing pressure to break down complex waste streams, with each subsequent stream demanding separate treatment. In addition, a number of technologies have been developed by combining processes directly, or in a treatment train, and these developments are expected to assume increasing importance. However, such concerns as uncertainties due to liability, regulatory approval, price competition, and client approval have limited the application of some of these newer technologies.This book discusses the practical aspects of environmental technology organized into eight chapters relating to unit operations as follows:1. Biological Technology2. Chemical Technology3. Containment and Barrier Technology4. Immobilization Technology5. Membrane Technology6. Physical Technology7. Radiation and Electrical Technology8. Thermal Destruction Technology
Data wydania: 1994
ISBN: 978-0-8155-1343-8, 9780815513438
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Noyes Data Corporation

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