Understanding Childrens Development in the Early Years

Christine MacIntyre
Understanding Childrens Development in the Early Years
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This highly practical and accessible book is full of case studies and helpful advice on how to enhance our understanding of very young children. The author addresses key questions such as: is it nature or nurture that makes children who they are? how can I develop the best possible skills to interact with children? what can I do to help a child make a friend? how can I build sound relationships with parents, especially at times of conflict? is this childÂs difficulty being met by the nursery, or do we need expert help? Examples in this book are taken from a variety of real-life nursery practices and the case studies provide interesting and thought-provoking scenarios. Books in this series address key issues for Early Years practitioners working in todayÂs nursery and school environments.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-415-41288-9, 9780415412889
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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