Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas

C. Madryas
Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas
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In recent years the knowledge of concrete and concrete structures has increased, as has its applications. New types of concrete challenged scientists and engineers, and ecological constraints encouraged the implementation of life cycle design of concrete structures, moving the focus more and more to maintenance and uprating of structures. And since buildings are not only designed for safety and serviceability, but also for flexibility and adaptability, the design of performance based materials and structures has become more and more important."Tailor Made Concrete Structures: New Solutions for our Society" comprises the proceedings of the International fib Symposium 2008 (Amsterdam, 19-22 May 2008), and considers these new perspectives and developments, including sections on new materials (i.e. fire resisting concrete, ultra-high performance fibered concrete, textile reinforced concrete, bacteria-based self healing concrete) and codes for the future (i.e. the American P2P Iniative, fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) applications in construction, Codes for SFRC Structures).The book includes contributions from leading scientists and professionals in concrete and concrete structures worldwide, and covers: Life cycle design; Design strategies for the future; Underground structures; Monitoring and Inspection; Diagnosis; Innovative materials; Codes for the future; Modifying and adapting structures; Architectural Concrete; Developing a modern infrastructure; Designing structures against extreme loads; and, Increasing the speed of construction. "Tailor Made Concrete Structures: New Solutions for our Society" includes the state-of-the-art in research on concrete and concrete structures, and will be invaluable to professionals, structural engineers and scientists.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-415-48638-5, 9780415486385
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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