Trouble Comes in Threes

Tymber Dalton
Trouble Comes in Threes
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Elain Pardie worked hard to become a TV news reporter. When a huge, black wolf-like dog with green eyes jumps into her news van, Elain has no idea her life will drastically change. Aindreas, Brodey, and Cailean Lyall aren't just triplets--they're Alpha shape-shifters running a Florida cattle ranch. They've never found their One, the woman destined to be their mate. Until the day of the Arcadia Highland Games, when both Brodey and Cailean lock onto Her scent. Brodey shifts and gives chase, then goes home with Elain and confirms she is their One. When Prime Alpha Aindreas mistakenly thinks Elain's already taken and refuses to use force to claim and mark her, Brodey and Cailean must resort to trickery to learn the truth about the wedding ring Elain wears and work to convince her that triple trouble could very easily put her into seventh heaven in their arms. A Siren Erotic Romance  
Data wydania: 2009-02-01
ISBN: 978-1-60601-426-4, 9781606014264
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Siren Publishing
Cykl: Triple Trouble, tom 1
Stron: 90

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