Trade to Win

T. Busby
Trade to Win
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Trade to Win will provide traders with a variety of strategies to profit in the stock, futures, and options markets. Written by veteran trader Tom Busby, the book will describe repetitive market behaviors that can be used to trade profitably. The strategies include day trading the DAX, the German stock index; taking advantage of time-of-day patterns in the S how to make quick profits based on earnings announcements; creating a short-term stock portfolio utilizing the Stock Trader's Almanac; and profiting from when rolling over an option position. Some of the strategies exploit market inefficiencies that are created as trading shifts from one major time zone to another. Other strategies profit from the interdependence among market sectors. Busby explains the strategies in a folksy, easy-to-understand manner. He relates his own trading experiences and, in so doing, gives aspiring traders an accurate picture of the challenges involved in implementing the strategies in real-time markets.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-470-28534-3, 9780470285343
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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