
S. Sahu
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Toxicogenomics: A Powerful Tool For Toxicity Testing provides up-to-date state-of-the-art information presented by the recognized experts, and is therefore an authoritative source of current knowledge in this field of research. The potential link between toxicology, genetics and human diseases makes this book very useful to investigators in many and varied disciplines of science and toxicology. * mechanistic toxicogenomics * analysis and interpretation of toxicogenomic data * principles of data mining in toxicogenomics * design issues in toxicogenomics studies * sources of variability in toxicogenomic assays * Escherichia coli stress response as a tool for detection of toxicity * toxicogenomics as a tool to assess immunotoxicity * toxicogenomics and ecogenomics for studying endocrine disruption and basic biology * use of toxicogenomics as an early predictive tool for hepatotoxicity * nutrigenomics: the application of genomic signatures in nutrition-related research * application of toxicogenomics in drug discovery * potential uses of toxicogenomic biomarkers in occupational health and risk assessment * usefulness of toxicogenomics in the regulatory environment * perspectives on toxicogenomics at the US Environmental Protection Agency
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-470-51823-6, 9780470518236
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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