Tourism and Indigenous Peoples

R. Butler
Tourism and Indigenous Peoples
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"Tourism and Indigenous Peoples" is a unique text examining the role of indigenous societies in tourism and how they interact within the tourism nexus. Unlike other publications, this text focuses on the active role that indigenous peoples take in the industry, and uses international case studies and experiences to provide a global context to illustrate best practice and aid comparison. First published over ten years ago the editors, Butler and Hinch, have thoroughly revised and updated the text to bring together a new collection of contributions and case studies from recognised international authors and those with first hand experiences in this area.Divided into five main sections, the text looks at this topic under the following headings: Involvement - Uses case studies to discuss and compare such as campfire programmes in east Africa, and the employment of indigenous peoples as guides, amongst other cases; Turbulence - Host guest relationships, conflicts on communities and contrasting strategies and results of tourism in indigenous villages in South Africa; Issues - Discusses issues such as authenticity, religious beliefs and managing indigenous tourism in a fragile environment; Each section uses international case studies from, for example, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal, Namibia, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and South America. This book: explores why and how indigenous people enter the global tourism nexus, concentrating on their involvement IN tourism rather than the impacts of tourism on their societies; contains contributions and cases from around the world looking at different scales of involvement and success stories; studies the complexity of the relationships between indigenous peoples and tourism with contributions from indigenous people in North America, Australasia and Europe relating their first hand experiences.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-7506-6446-2, 9780750664462
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Butterworth Heinemann

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