Tools for Living is a book about excellence in domestic design--from chefknives and pots and pans, to door handles and bathroom taps, to home-officefurniture and garden tools. Well-designed objects not only offer superiorperformance but also look better and last longer, which ultimately meansthat they are more sustainable and provide better value for money. Theyalso give the user a satisfying sense of reliability--they are thehousehold tools that we use on a daily basis, that we come to grow fond of,tools that enhance life. Among the design classics celebrated here areTapio Wirkkala's Kurve cutlery (1963), Enzo Mari's Formosa perpetual walland desk calendars (1963, 1967), Bjorn Dahlstrom's Tools cookware (1998)and Ross Lovegrove's Agaricon table light (2001) and Istanbul sanitary ware(2008). Many of the objects included in Tools for Living are famous designclassics that remain in production today. This comprehensive sourcebookfeatures these objects in full-color illustrations that are augmented withfull descriptions of their historic relevance and design excellence.Manufacturers' web addresses are shown for each product, so that readerscan easily locate where to buy them.