Ticks Biology, Disease and Control

Dr Alan Stuart Bowman, Professor Pat Nuttall
Ticks Biology, Disease and Control
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Widespread and increasing resistance to most available acaracides threatens both global livestock industries and public health. This necessitates better understanding of ticks and the diseases they transmit in the development of new control strategies. Ticks: Biology, Disease and Control is written by an international collection of experts and covers in-depth information on aspects of the biology of the ticks themselves, various veterinary and medical tick-borne pathogens, and aspects of traditional and potential new control methods. A valuable resource for graduate students, academic researchers and professionals, the book covers the whole gamut of ticks and tick-borne diseases from microsatellites to satellite imagery and from exploiting tick saliva for therapeutic drugs to developing drugs to control tick populations. It encompasses the variety of interconnected fields impinging on the economically important and biologically fascinating phenomenon of ticks, the diseases they transmit and methods of their control.
Data wydania: 2008-12-01
ISBN: 978-0-521-86761-0, 9780521867610
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
Kategoria: Medycyna
Stron: 518


Dr Alan Stuart Bowman Dr Alan Stuart Bowman Dr Alan Stuart Bowman has worked at the Universities of Edinburgh, Oxford and Oklahoma State and is now at the University of Aberdeen. His research interests include tick physiology, bioactive factors in tick saliva, drug target development and ecol...

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