Those Who Forget the Past The Question of Anti-Semitism

C. Ozick
Those Who Forget the Past The Question of Anti-Semitism
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Something has changed. After the horrors of World War II, people everywhere believed that it could never happen again, but today the evidence is unmistakable that anti-Semitism is dramatically on the rise once more. The torching of European synagogues, suicide terror in Israel, the relentless comparison of the Israelis to Nazis, the paranoid postnew? Is a second Holocaust possible, this time in the Middle East? How does anti-Semitism differ from anti-Zionism? These are issues too dangerous to ignore, too pressing to deny. Those Who Forget the Past is an essential volume for understanding the new bigotry of the twenty-first century.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-8129-7203-0, 9780812972030
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Random House

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