Third Generation Communication Systems

Jian-Guo Ma
Third Generation Communication Systems
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Beside technological issues, this book discusses the administrative and industrial aspects of third generation mobile communications. The authors emphasize existing problems and propose solutions. They provide the most comprehensive and topical information on 3G mobile communications currently available. As the first wave of third-generation communication devices arrives, technological and societal effects will be widespread. The ability to communicate via hand-held devices voice, data, and video raises many challenges and questions. Beside detailed looks at technological issues, from the system protocol to implementation technologies, this book discusses the administrative and industrial aspects of third-generation mobile communications. The authors emphasize existing problems and propose solutions. They seek to provide the most comprehensive and topical information on 3G mobile communications currently available. Chapters offer an overview of wireless technology and terminology, protocols for mobility management, the safety of radio-frequency energy, WLAN (wireless local area networks), multiple access schemes, and microwave photonics. It is intended as an introduction and reference for engineers entering the field of wireless communications.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-3-540-43806-9, 9783540438069
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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