The Thunderbird Guide to International Business Resources on the World Wide Web

Candace Deans, Shaun Dakin
The Thunderbird Guide to International Business Resources on the World Wide Web
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This handy resource evolved out of a classroom environment reflecting the realities of the information age. Thunderbird students, being well versed in international business, culture and language, gathered global business information on the World Wide Web for assigned regions of the world. The text is divided into chapters organized around general regions of the globe. Each of these major groupings are further divided into areas and countries most beneficial to today's business professional. All chapters are preceded by a concise introduction to the region and sometimes a country which provides insight into its culture, business practices, political systems and risk, and social aspects.
Data wydania: 1997
ISBN: 978-0-471-16016-8, 9780471160168
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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