Drawing from twenty-five years of original research, Sir Martin Gilbertre-creates the remarkable stories of non-Jews who risked their lives tohelp Jews during the Holocaust According to Jewish tradition, "Whoeversaves one life, it is as if he saved the entire world." Non-Jews who helpedsave Jewish lives during World War II are designated Righteous Among theNations by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust archive in Jerusalem. In TheRighteous, distinguished historian Sir Martin Gilbert, through extensiveinterviews, explores the courage of those who-throughout Germany and inevery occupied country from Norway to Greece, from the Atlantic to theBaltic-took incredible risks to help Jews whose fate would have been sealedwithout them. Indeed, many lost their lives for their efforts. Those whohid Jews included priests, nurses, teachers, neighbors and friends,employees and colleagues, soldiers and diplomats, and, above all, ordinarycitizens. From Greek Orthodox Princess Alice of Greece, who hid Jews in herhome in Athens, to the Ukrainian Uniate Archbishop of Lvov, who hidhundreds of Jews in his churches and monasteries, to Muslims in Bosnia andAlbania, many risked, and lost, everything to help their fellow man.