Fox Ilana
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When Jo Hill lands a job as a PA at GLOSS magazine, she thinks it's the jobof her dreams. But it soon turns into a nightmare. As a mousy secretarywith a penchant for giant bags of Maltesers and comfy shoes, Jo doesn'texactly fit in at the uber-chic office. Her boss humiliates her; hercolleagues bitch about her; even the receptionist ignores her. At first,Jo's not sure why - is it her hair, her figure, her clothes? Then sherealises it's pretty much all of the above and that she'll never be likethe sleek, glamorous girls flitting round the office in their Sass & Bidejeans and Gucci mules. Or will she? Jo might be overweight and overlooked,but she's different in other ways too. She's bright, ambitious and smart,and what's more, she has a plan. Reduced to tears for the umpteenth time by her boss - the gorgeous butvicious magazine publisher Joshua Garnet - Jo knows it's time for drasticaction. She's had it with magazines and knows that 'discovering a wholenew you' takes more than a manicure and a new MAC blusher. Jo's going togive herself the ultimate makeover and by the time she's finished, themagazine world - and Joshua - won't know what's hit them. Goodbye Jo,hello Mia - magazine diva extraordinaire.
ISBN: 978-0-7528-9392-1, 9780752893921
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Orion Books

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