The Convoluted Universe

Dolores Cannon
The Convoluted Universe
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The Convoluted Universe Volume 1 is somewhat of a sequel to The Custodians in that it develops further many of the ideas Dolores first presented in The Custodians whilst simultaneously introducing many new, mind-bending concepts. It focuses heavily on metaphysical concepts such as the power of conscious thought and intent, how we understand and relate to the concept of time, different dimensions which coexist along ours, parallel universes, parallel lifetimes and alternate realities. The book gives detailed explanations into a wide variety of Earth mysteries, many of which have baffled conventional science, all of which require us to stretch our imagination of the possibilities outside our current paradigms of thought. These include how the Pyramids were created, the Stones on Easter Island, the Bermuda Triangle, the Ark of the Covenant, the Loch Ness Monster and the creation of the Nazca Lines. This book is intended for those readers who want their minds expanded by the more complicated metaphysical ideas that border on Quantum Physics.  
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-1-886940-82-6, 9781886940826
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Ozark Mountain Publishing
Cykl: Convoluted Universe, tom 1
Kategoria: Ezoteryka
Stron: 560
dodana przez: katapika
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