
J. Saikia, J. Lutz
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In Terrorism: Patterns of Internationalization, leading terrorism experts from five continents analyze the phenomenon of internationalization of terrorism and examine the critical factor of erosion of distinction between internal and international terrorism. A pioneering analysis of the most threatening feature of contemporary terrorism, that is, the manner in which it is achieving internationalization, the editors challenge a number of conventional and outdated patterns of analysis and stimulate further research and analysis of the subject. They clarify the meaning of international terrorism , stress the inadequacy of drawing a strict line between international and domestic terrorism and familiarize the reader with the specifics and qualitative distinctions between various stages that characterize the internationalization of terrorism local to global. A comprehensive and concise overview of the main patterns, stages and levels of internationalization of types of terrorism in a broad cross-regional comparative perspective is clearly spelled out along with the main data sources and current conceptualization on the subject. Development of research skills and ability to think analytical solutions is encouraged.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-81-7829-951-8, 9788178299518
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd
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