Technology Portfolio Planning & Management

O. Yu
Technology Portfolio Planning & Management
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From the large overall scope of planning and management of technology, "Technology Portfolio Planning And Management: Practical Concepts and Tools" will focus specifically on the concepts and tools for the planning and management of an investment portfolio by a government or a business organization for either the development or the application of technologies. A portfolio is a coordinated combination of technologies that achieve a common objective for the decision-maker. Thus, the book will focus on those concepts and tools for selecting and modifying a combination of technologies that will be either developed by a technology supply organization, such as a national laboratory or a corporate research center, or adopted by a technology application organization, such as a government administrative office or a corporation management department, to either advance public goals (space exploration or disease eradication) or enhance corporate strategies (improving productivity or increasing competitiveness).
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-387-35446-0, 9780387354460
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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