Teaching Students with Sensory Disabilities

J. Ysseldyke
Teaching Students with Sensory Disabilities
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Learn how to provide targeted support to students with sensory disabilities! With the right modifications, students with sensory disabilities-impairments that affect how well they see and/or hear-can participate fully in general education classes alongside their neighbors and peers. In Teaching Students With Sensory Disabilities discusses the defining characteristics and specific needs of students who are categorized as deaf, blind, or deaf-and-blind. Offering numerous practical classroom management tips and surprisingly easy instruction adjustments, this valuable resource shows teachers how they can provide instruction in a highly effective manner that will foster the independence of students with visual and hearing impairments in the general education classroom. Including a pretest, posttest, and key vocabulary terms, this highly informative guide discusses everything educators need to know about students with sensory disabilities, including: Cognitive characteristics and issues Academic characteristics and issues Physical characteristics and issues Behavioral characteristics and issues Communication characteristics and issues A Practical Approach to Special Education for Every Teacher: The 13-Book Collection??This collection equips educators with practical knowledge and methods that will help them to better engage students in exploring-and meeting-their fullest potential.Also see: The Fundamentals of Special Education The Legal Foundations of Special Education Effective Assessment for Students With Special NeedsEffective Instruction for Students With Special Needs Working With Families and Community Agencies to Support Students With Special Needs Public Policy, School Reform, and Special EducationTeaching Students With Medical, Physical, and Multiple DisabilitiesTeaching Students With Learning DisabilitiesTeaching Students With Communication DisordersTeaching Students With Emotional DisturbanceTeaching Students With Mental Retardation Teaching Students With Gifts and Talents
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-4129-3900-3, 9781412939003
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Corwin Press

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