Teaching Atlas of Interventional Radiology

S. Kadir
Teaching Atlas of Interventional Radiology
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This companion to the best-selling Teaching Atlas of Interventional Radiology: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Angiography covers the latest techniques in the field of interventional radiology used to treat non-vascular diseases.Each case begins with a discussion of critical aspects of the disease process and differential diagnoses to teach you how to quickly recognize the presentation of diseases and disorders. The atlas guides you through all stages of management, from initial diagnosis to determining best method of treatment and the therapeutic options available. Highlights:55 procedures for the neck and thorax; the abdomen, including the gastrointestinal system, liver, biliary system, and pancreas; the reproductive system; and the urinary system and adrenal glands A step-by-step approach to diagnosis and treatment 'Pearls' and 'pitfalls' highlight key points and warn of potential errors More than 300 illustrations demonstrate important concepts Here is the essential guide for interventional radiologists, residents, and other specialists seeking to improve their management of non-vascular disorders and problems that they often see in practice.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-13-107972-5, 9783131079725
Wydawnictwo: Georg Thieme Verlag
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