Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences 3e

L. Campbell
Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences 3e
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Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences is an outstanding resource that offers expert analysis of Dr. Howard Gardner's "Theory of Multiple Intelligences" - and the knowledge to extend this theory to effective classroom practice. Every teacher can develop students' eight intelligences and teach basic skills through multiple modes. Ready-to-use assessment tools and lesson plans make this book a unique starting point and reference guide. The intelligences are defined throughout, and the authors provide a checklist for identifying them, suggest environmental considerations, and offer related teaching strategies. Offers strategies to develop students' eight intelligences and to teach basic skills through multiple modes. Includes ready-to-use lesson plans and classroom assessment tools. Describes ways to teach for in-depth student understanding. Includes Gardner's full range of identified intelligences-including the naturalist intelligence.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-205-36390-2, 9780205363902
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Allyn & Bacon

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