Systems Biology

B. Palsson
Systems Biology
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Genome sequences are now available that enable us to determine the biological components that make up a cell or an organism. The new discipline of systems biology examines how these components interact and form networks, and how the networks generate whole cell functions corresponding to observable phenotypes. This textbook, the first devoted to systems biology, describes how to model networks, how to determine their properties, and how to relate these to phenotypic functions. The prerequisites are some knowledge of linear algebra and biochemistry. Though the links between the mathematical ideas and biological processes are made clear, the book reflects the irreversible trend of increasing mathematical content in biology education. Therefore to assist both teacher and student, in an associated web site Palsson provides problem sets, projects and Powerpoint slides, and keeps the presentation in the book concrete with illustrative material and experimental results. • First textbook in the new field of systems biology • Associated website with slides, projects, problems • Open layout, summary points, guides to literature, lots of illustrations
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-521-85903-5, 9780521859035
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press

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