Synergic Inquiry

T. Yongming
Synergic Inquiry
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`The publication of Synergic Inquiry is both timely and important. It is a refreshing attempt to forge behavioral theory and praxis to expand human capacities for problem-solving' - Tomoko Hamada, College of William & Mary This book introduces synergic inquiry, which is a particular take on action research. Synergic inquiry is distinguished from other collaborative methodologies in its process orientation, which seeks first to differentiate and only them to integrate. This way, issues which are considered to be impediments to understanding cultural differences, examples of hierarchical thinking, etc. are treated as an organic part of the solution. In this text, the authors stress a strong theory//practice mix.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7619-1209-5, 9780761912095
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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