Hiroshi Sugimoto Architecture New edition of Sugimoto's covetedcollection of photographs, long out of print, featuring the most importantarchitectural icons of the twentieth century. Known for his long-exposurephotographic series of empty movie theaters and drive-ins, seascapes,museum dioramas, and waxworks, Hiroshi Sugimoto turned his camera oninternational icons of twentieth century architecture in 1997. Hisseemingly timeless photographs depict structures as diverse as the EmpireState Building, Le Corbusier's Chapel de Nôtre Dame du Haut, and TadaoAndo's Church of Light in Osaka. The resulting black-and-whitephotographs, deliberately blurred and shot from unusual angles, are notattempts at documentation, but rather evocation—meant to isolate thebuildings from their contexts, allowing them to exist as dreamlike,uninhabited ideals. Other buildings represented in the series are PhilippeStarck's Asahi Breweries, Fumihiko Maki's Fujisawa Municipal Gymnasium, theUnited Nations Building, the Chrysler Building, Giuseppi Terragni'sSantelia Monument, Como, the World Trade Center, Mies van der Rohe'sSeagram Building, Antonio Gaudí's Casa Batlló II, the 1922 SchindlerHouse, and buildings by Frank Gehry, Frank Lloyd Wright, and many othersin Europe, North America, and Asia.