Success in AS Politics for Edexcel

Mc Naughton
Success in AS Politics for Edexcel
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"Success in AS Politics for Edexcel" has been written specifically to meet the needs of Edexcel AS students, providing comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date coverage of every topic on the exam board specifications. Carefully structured around the syllabus, the text combines informed discussion with the latest facts and figures. Including full coverage of the 2005 general election, as well as examining the latest European issues, "Success in AS Politics for Edexcel" provides authoritative coverage of the political arena. Summaries and explanations of key terms appear throughout the book to aid comprehension and revision, while an exam preparation section offers source-based exercises, past paper questions, contemporary examples, web links, as well as project assignments to help every AS Politics student obtain the best grade possible.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-340-90576-0, 9780340905760
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Arnold Publishers

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