Step by Step Breast Ultrasound

R. Sachdev
Step by Step Breast Ultrasound
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Breast Ultrasound has advanced enormously in the last five years, both in quantity and quality. Ultrasound is used as a primary imaging technique for patients under 35. Ultrasound is also used as secondary imaging to further characterize all mammographic lesions and in patients with clinical abnormalities not seen in Mammography. This book has been designed as a concise yet comprehensive work for all health care professionals dealing with breast imaging. It has been divided into 4 sections to facilitate reading and review. Section 1 is a brief introduction to Breast Ultrasound; Section 2 deals with technical aspects; Section 3 contains chapters on benign and malignant lesions; finally Section 4 deals with breast implants. In particular it will be an invaluable pocket reference guide for radiologists, oncologists and general practitioners.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-904798-79-8, 9781904798798
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Anshan Ltd

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