Spiritual Selling

Joe Nunziata
Spiritual Selling
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A combination of spiritual principles and proven sales techniques for creating unlimited sales success Spiritual Selling introduces the Attractor Sales System, a methodology that combines spirituality with practical sales techniques and introduces salespeople to a powerful new way of thinking about the way they sell their products and services. This proven system helps salespeople use the law of attraction to generate more business and increase daily energy. Rather than focusing on sales tactics, Spiritual Selling offers a counterintuitive approach based on the salesperson's own internal energy. While innovative sales techniques will help salespeople sell a little more or a little faster, Spiritual Selling shows them how to attain success by attracting more and better clients to themselves-essentially improving sales results by first improving the salesperson. Spiritual Selling shows sales pros how to connect to their deeper purpose, define their professional mission, master a proven and effective sales process, and succeed by attracting clients rather than chasing them. The perfect combination of philosophy and tactics, Spiritual Selling is a selling guide like no other. Joe Nunziata (New York, NY) is an internationally renowned speaker, author, and sales and marketing expert. He is also the founder of Top Notch Training, a personal development company.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-470-13393-4, 9780470133934
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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