South Asia

J. Malcolm
South Asia
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Rana and Dowling have been keen observers of the South Asian scene for over two decades. This experience and scholarship is amply demonstrated in their new book. They rightly emphasize that South Asian economies have to press on with their domestic reform agenda and further reinforce their efforts at regional cooperation if they want to maximize the benefits from globalization. Their prescription is right on the mark. The book has two special features that should make it a necessary reading for all those interested in Asia's evolving economic geography. The first is its comparison of the development experience in China and South Asia. The second is the discussion of pan-Asian cooperation and the prospects of strengthening of economic cooperation between South Asia and East Asia, an idea whose time is now well within the planning horizon. The book is a welcome addition to the growing literature on pan-Asian cooperation and will strengthen the important cause of regional cooperation in South Asia.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-981-281-421-0, 9789812814210
Wydawnictwo: World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd

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