Songs About Us

Chris Russell
Songs About Us
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Two months on from the explosive finale to book one, Charlie's life is almost back to normal again: rebuilding her relationship with her father, hanging out with best mate Melissa, and worrying about GCSEs. All the while, Gabe's revelations about her mother are never far from her mind. And neither is Gabe. It's not long before Charlie is pulled back into the world of Fire&Lights - but the band seem different this time. But then again, so is she... Meanwhile, tensions between Gabe and Olly continue to run high, leading to more turmoil between the band members and press than ever before. But when Gabriel and Charlie stumble upon yet another startling truth that links them together - everything they have stands to implode in front of them.  
Data wydania: 2017-07-13
ISBN: 978-1-4449-2917-1, 9781444929171
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Flatiron Books
Cykl: Piosenki o dziewczynie, tom 2
Stron: 496
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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