Signal Integrity and Radiated Emission

S. Caniglia
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Before putting digital systems for information technology or telecommunication applications on the market, an essential requirement is to perform tests in order to comply with the limits of radiated emission imposed by the standards.This book provides an investigation into signal integrity (SI) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems. Topics such as reflections, crosstalk, switching noise and radiated emission (RE) in high-speed digital systems are covered, which are essential for IT and telecoms applications. The highly important topic of modelling is covered which can reduce costs by enabling simulation data to demonstrate that a product meets design specifications and regulatory limits. According to the new European EMC directive, this can help to avoid the expensive use of large semi-anechoic chambers or open area test sites for radiated emission assessments. Following a short introduction to signalling and radiated interference in digital systems, the book provides a detailed characterization of logic families in terms of static and dynamic characteristic useful for modelling techniques. Crosstalk in multi-coupled line structures are investigated by analytical, graphical and circuit-based methods, and techniques to mitigate these phenomena are provided. Grounding, filtering and shielding with multilayer PCBs are also examined and design rules given.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-470-51166-4, 9780470511664
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wildy&Sons

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