Scales & Scores in Neurology 1e

Harald Masur, Karsten Papke
Scales & Scores in Neurology 1e
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The more complex and abstract a disease or debility, the more important it is to have reproducible methods for scaling, rating, and scoring. The proficient use of these 'tools' is essential in evaluating therapeutic response (especially in chronic diseases), detecting deficits, assessing risks, and making a prognosis.The multitude of scales and scores that are used in neurology can make it confusing to understand and apply them in clinical practice. Scales and Scores in Neurology offers valuable assistance in this regard:It reviews practically all scales and scores that are currently used in clinical neurology to detect neurologic deficits, assess risks and prognosis, and evaluate response to long-term (medical) therapies.It distinguishes commonly used scales and scores from those that are used infrequently, providing expert commentaries on each.The book saves the reader time in selecting, interpreting, and understanding the various measuring scales that are available. An indispensable tool for every neurologist, and psychiatrist, it is also a valuable reference for internists, pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neurophysiologists, and neuropharmacologists.Features:1. Neuropsychiatric DisordersRisk assessment in intensive neurology2. Speech and Language DisordersPrognosis scores used in chronic and neoplastic diseases3. Geriatric AssessmentResults of the latest epidemiologic and clinical studiesA great all-in-one reference!
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-3-13-130951-8, 9783131309518
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Georg Thieme Verlag

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