S. Salgado
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Looking Africa in the face An homage to the continent of contrasts"In the footsteps of courage and catastrophe [...] - a 30-year journeyacross the dark continent by the world's greatest photojournalist." - TheSunday Times Magazines, LondonSebastiăo Salgado is one the most respected photojournalists working today,his reputation forged by decades of dedication and powerful black-and-whiteimages of distressed people taken in places where most wouldn't dare to go.Although he has photographed around the globe, his work most heavilyconcentrates on Africa, where he has shot more than 40 reportage works overa period of 30 years. From the Dinka tribes in Sudan and the Himba inNamibia to gorillas and volcanoes in the lakes region to displaced peoplesthroughout the continent, Salgado shows us all facets of African lifetoday. He knows exactly how to grab the essence of a moment and his imagesartfully teach us the disastrous effects of war, poverty, disease, andhostile climatic conditions. This stunning book brings together Salgado'sphotos in three parts: the first concentrates on the southern part of thecontinent (Mozambique, Malawi, Angola, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia),the second on the Great Lakes region (Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda,Tanzania, Kenya), and the third on the Sub-Saharan region (Burkina Faso,Mali, Sudan, Somalia, Chad, Mauritania, Senegal, Ethiopia). Texts areprovided by renowned Mozambique novelist Mia Couto, who describes howtoday's Africa reflects the effects of colonization as well as theconsequences of economic, social, and environmental crises.
ISBN: 978-3-8365-2343-1, 9783836523431
Wydawnictwo: Taschen

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