SAGE Dictionary of Sports Studies

D. Malcolm
SAGE Dictionary of Sports Studies
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Sports studies is one of the fastest growing fields in higher education today. The SAGE Dictionary of Sports Studies brings a timely, much-needed and comprehensive tool for all students in this multi-disciplinary field. Each entry provides a basic definition, a guide to research themes and a clear account of the relevance of the concept in understanding sport. Not only indispensable for quick clarification of terms, it will give students a springboard for more in-depth research and critical analysis. It offers:" Cross referencing to assist critical thinking" A list of key readings for each entry" Expert definitions drawn from sociology, history, psychology, economics, management and business, politics and policy, physical education and health, and research methods." Concise, student-friendly and authoritative entries.Covering sociology, history, psychology, politics, business, physical education, health and research methods, The SAGE Dictionary of Sports Studies provides the first one-stop reference guide for all students who study the social aspects of sport.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-4129-0735-4, 9781412907354
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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