Roof Cooling Techniques

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Presents a thorough treatment of roof cooling techniques, facilitating research, design and installation* Covers principles of roof design (environmental function and construction methods) and specific systems and cooling techniques* Includes a free CD-ROM, enabling readers to evaluate their own designsNatural heating and cooling of buildings helps to improve energy efficiency in the built environment. This book considers the principles of roof design and specific systems and cooling techniques.Environmental function is considered in terms of protective strategies (solar control, thermal insulation, heat storage and thermal inertia) and selective strategies (radiative, evaporative, and convective cooling and planting of roofs). Traditional and current roof construction practices are described, with various European case studies. Cooling techniques examined include roof ponds, cooling radiators, planted (green) roofs and roof components, presenting fundamental principles, the systems and components employed, advantages and disadvantages, application types, built precedents, recent experimental work (where applicable) and key design considerations.Also included are two appendices, the first detailing mathematical models suitable for designing water ponds, radiators, cooling panels and planted roofs; the second outlining the software used to implement the models.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-1-84407-313-9, 9781844073139
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Earthscan

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