Rock A Tale of Seventh-Century Jerusalem

K. Makiya
Rock A Tale of Seventh-Century Jerusalem
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The Rock of Jerusalem is one of the world’s most spiritually resonant and politically contentious sites: where Adam first stepped upon leaving Paradise, Abraham attempted to sacrifice Isaac, Jesus preached, and Muhammad began his night journey to heaven,. Sorting through the rubble of the three competing faiths, Kanan Makiya has woven a vivid tapestry from centuries of legend and belief to imagine the origins of Islam’s first monument, the Dome of the Rock. A narrative of mythic power, The Rock offers a grand tour of seventh-century Jerusalem and–by reminding us of how much Jews and Muslims once shared–serves as a bracing talisman for our times.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-375-70078-1, 9780375700781
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

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