Risk and Financial Management in Construction

S. Burtonshaw-Gunn
Risk and Financial Management in Construction
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In today?s climate the need for a closer understanding of the relationship between the two inter-related topics of risk management and finance on construction projects is becoming increasing crucial to achieving the objectives of the investor, the end-user and the constructor and its supply chain, especially as interest in PFI and PPP arrangements continues to grow around the world. Risk and Financial Management in Construction shows the relationship between the Construction Project Manager?s task of balancing time, cost and quality and the need to satisfy the client?s requirements efficiently, effectively and professionally whilst at the same time contributing to the contractor?s future sustainability. The book covers Risk Management describing the tools and methods to reduce the occurrence and consequences of risk, and the financial management of construction projects from raising funding, to contract strategy and through to estimating, budgeting and cost control. It includes a chapter covering international project risk, bringing together the issues of risk management, prime contracting, and PFI funding for construction projects undertaken away from the contractors main home market. Risk and Financial Management in Construction is aimed at those practising in, or studying to enter, the project management profession in providing a strategic and operational knowledge of these subjects allowing the reader easy access to the key points through a wide selection of models, checklists and easy to find lists in all of the key areas.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-566-08897-1, 9780566088971
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Gower Publishing Ltd

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