Rectal Cancer New Frontiers in Diagnosis Treatment

G. Dalaini
Rectal Cancer New Frontiers in Diagnosis Treatment
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Despite lifestyle improvements, the incidence of rectal cancer is increasing in industrialised countries. Rapid advances in technology, growing knowledge of the biological history of the disease and closer attention to patients' quality of life after surgery have led to a less invasive approach. In the last 15 years, the surgical approach has shifted from extended resection to sphincter-saving procedures, featuring a multidiscipinary approach and a high level of specialisation. The experienced surgeon can plan and choose the "right treatment for the right patient" only with the support of the radiologist, endoscopist and pathologist (preoperative staging), oncologist and radiotherapist (neoadjuvant therapy), and psychologist and stomatherapist (rehabilitation). In addition, the difficult problems of salvage procedure and the reconstruction of anal sphincter after abdominal resection are explored. The aim of this book is to clarify the rapid advances and to offer guidelines for doctors dealing with rectal cancer. Taking into account indications, contraindications, risks, benefits and controversies, the authors offer clear and practice-oriented answers for a wide range of specialists and experts, as well as those new to the field.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-88-470-0342-2, 9788847003422
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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