Radiology Illustrated Gynecologic Imaging Radiology Illust

Eric K. Outwate
Radiology Illustrated Gynecologic Imaging Radiology Illust
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Over 3,300 carefully selected images and brief descriptions of clinical disorders and diseases followed by case studies demonstrate the entire spectrum of benign and malignant gynecologic disorders and the optimal modality for imaging each condition. This volume in the Radiology Illustrated Series of atlases delivers clear, practical coverage of its specialty using the Series' atlas-style format, enabling the reader to identify the correct finding and work through to a differential diagnosis. Its coverage encompasses all of today's best image-guided techniques for both diagnosis and treatment. The result is an outstanding, user-friendly review tool for certification, recertification, and clinical practice.A "teaching file" approach facilitates understanding of each topic.Over 3,300 illustrations capture a full range of common and unusual imaging findings.Brief descriptions of each clinical problem are followed by case studies that use all of the different imaging modalities, ultrasound, radiograph, CT, and MRI, to demonstrate the optimal one for each condition. Concise text discussions review key pathophysiological, clinical, and radiologic data.An organization by disease entity and progression makes specific information easy to find.Key references are listed by year to make it easy to locate the most relevant sources quickly.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-4160-0239-0, 9781416002390
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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