Radiology for Surgeons in Clinical Practice

E. Sala
Radiology for Surgeons in Clinical Practice
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Cross-sectional imaging is now widely available and routinely used as part of decision-making process in surgical patients. Advances in techniques, the availability and combination of different imaging modalities have made rapid and accurate diagnoses possible. This book provides basic information on these imaging findings in the main surgical pathologies. The first part describes the principles of imaging and different imaging techniques available. Giving pros and cons of each technique, it provides useful information and guidance on the appropriate choice of imaging. Symptom-based, rather than organ-based, the second part provides a practical approach to imaging patients with common surgical complaints in order to aid understanding and encourage a problem-solving approach to selecting different imaging modalities. Providing a simple diagnostic framework for common surgical situations, this useful guide will be invaluable for surgical residents, trainees, medical students, and consultant surgeons.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-84800-095-7, 9781848000957
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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