Radar Meteorology

S. Raghavan
Radar Meteorology
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This book covers the entire range of developments in the operational and research use of RADAR for meteorological applications, such as aviation, precipitation measurement and hydrology, tropical cyclone observation and forecasting and wind profiling. The book emphasises the operational aspects of Radar Meteorology. It also traces the evolution of the subject including older technologies still in use in some countries, which will help students assimilate the basic principles. A unique feature of the book is a detailed treatment of tropical cyclones as observed by radar, a topic of great interest in tropical countries. Another feature is the extensive bibliography on each topic to assist the interested reader to pursue the subject. This book is suitable as a text or reference book for professional radar meteorologists, professional training courses for personnel of meteorological services, and for university courses in atmospheric science and meteorology. Written for: Professional radar meteorologists, professional training courses for personnel of meteorological services, university courses in atmospheric science and meteorology
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-4020-1604-2, 9781402016042
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Kluwer Academic Publishers

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