This is an updated version of the book published in 1985. QCD-motivated, it gives a detailed description of hadron structure and soft interactions in the additive quark model, where hadrons are regarded as composite systems of dressed quarks. In the past decade it has become clear that nonperturbative QCD, responsible for soft hadronic processes, may differ rather drastically from perturbative QCD. The understanding of nonperturbative QCD requires a detailed investigation of the experiments and the theoretical approaches. Bearing this in mind, the book has been rewritten paying special attention to the interplay of soft hadronic collisions and the quark model. It is at the crossroads of these domains that peculiar features of strong QCD reveal themselves. The book discusses constituent quarks, diquarks, the massive effective gluons and the problem of scalar isoscalar mesons. The quarknucleus collisions is given.