Proficiency Expert Student's Resource Book

Carol Nuttall, Nick Kenny, Megan Roderick
Proficiency Expert Student's Resource Book
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The Student's Resource Book supports students by giving them extensive additional material that enables students to consolidate and enrich their language and practise exam skills. If you would like access to these materials please contact your local Pearson office. You can find your local office here. See also the Proficiency Expert Coursebook which provides extensive focus on all skills needed in the new CPE exam and step-by-step strategies for speaking and writing as well as additional listening practice. There are digital Teacher's components available with this Student's Resource Book. If you would like access to them please contact your local Pearson office. You can find your local office here.
Data wydania: 2020
ISBN: 978-1-4082-9900-5, 9781408299005
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pearson Education
Stron: 180

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