Professional Hairdressing

Leo Palladino
Professional Hairdressing
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"Keeping abreast of latest fashions and new techniques is only part of the formula for success. This book focuses on communication: an aspect of a successful business that has never been identified, addressed or covered in a textbook before?. Martin Green Professional Hairdressing, fourth edition is the official guide to level 3 Hairdressing. Published by Thomson Learning in association with Habia and City & Guilds, it is the market-leading textbook for level 3 hairdressing. Professional Hairdressing has been completely revised and updated to help students face the challenges and demands of level 3. This highly popular and best selling textbook will help and encourage students to reach their full potential as it is comprehensive, accessible and beautifully designed. This edition contains stunning step by steps guides to cutting, styling and colouring from some of the country?s top hairdressers and photographers while also dealing in detail with how to work successfully and communicate effectively in the salon.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-1-86152-940-4, 9781861529404
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: TEP - Thompson Educational Publishing

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