Privatization Critical Perspectives on World Economy 4 vols

G. Yarrow
Privatization Critical Perspectives on World Economy 4 vols
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This title is the first in the Critical Perspectives on the World Economy series. With a new introduction by the editors it brings together the most significant contributions on privatization including material on the philosophical and historical context. Specific subjects covered include: * regulation and competition policy * different forms and techniques of privatization * the impact of privatization. Drawing on an enormous range of sources, the collection includes material by Hayek, Harold Demsetz, Douglass North, Janos Kornai, Jean Tirole and Jeffrey Sachs. It is an indispensible reference for policy makers, as well as academics concerned with economic policy and public economics.
Data wydania: 1996
ISBN: 978-0-415-12124-8, 9780415121248
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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