New material on comparative toxicology and the role of biotransformation in human diseaseCoverage of the role of genomics in toxicologyAdvances in understanding of carcinogenesis, particularly roles of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genesNew information on excitotoxicology and the potential role of toxicants in neurological diseaseNew chapter on the role of toxicology in pharmacology, focusing on drug developmentNew chapter on the role of toxicology in forensic investigations Written by two experienced toxicology lecturers, Principles of Toxicology provides a broad-based yet in-depth introduction to this diverse subject. Comprehensive and easy-to-read, the book covers this broad and interdisciplinary field from the viewpoint of three different functional levels: molecular and cellular; physiological; and ecological and environmental. This revised second edition expands the coverage of the book while keeping the organizational format that made the first edition a bestseller. It also includes a series of brief case studies illustrating the application of toxicological principles to current issues of interest. Each and every chapter has been revised, several have been significantly rewritten, and three are entirely new. This new edition retains the extensive cross-referencing system that links all sections and enhances the integration of material. It also includes an appendix of selected toxicants that describes chemical structure and category of use. These features combine to make finding specific information quick and easy. The highly readable format and uniform, consistent presentation of information will make this the most used reference on your shelf.See what's new in the second edition: