Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Third Edition, is a greatly enhanced version of the highly successful text Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Second Edition. It is designed for a first course on electronic materials given in Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Physics and Engineering Physics Departments at the undergraduate level. New Sections such that cover x-ray diffraction and crystal structures, conduction in thin films, interconnect technology, amorphous semiconductors, piezoresistance, white LEDs, Reststrahlen absorption, optical properties of metals (free carrier absorption). |Chapter 6 has been revised for a better coverage of heterostructure LEDs and photovoltaics that includes practical examples and white LEDs. The coverage is explained at the undergraduate level with clear diagrams. |Thorough coverage including up-to-date topics: This text offers in-depth discussions of topics which are important to both electrical engineering majors as well as materials science majors. |The third edition is almost unique amongst university textbooks because it comes with extensive web-support through Web-Materials which has now become one of the best known electronic materials websites. Nearly all of this material is now included on a FREE CDROM that accompanies the book. Both students and instructors using the textbook can use the following supplements from the CDROM or Web-Materials. Use of Web-Materials requires the book to be adopted or recommended as the major text for the course. |While aimed primarily at the junior undergraduates, the text with its advanced topics under Additional Topics, and Selected Topics in the CD, it can easily be used at the senior undergraduate and graduate courses. |Explanatory illustrations and comparative tables: The excellent illustrations clearly depict the concepts, further assisting in the learning process. Throughout the text, comparative tables of different materials and their properties can be used as references in solving problems. |Interesting photographs of materials, devices and inventions, including the inventors, that make the book enjoyable to read. |Chapter flexibility: The chapters are designed such that they lend themselves to allowing instructors to teach out of sequence or skip topics as desired|Many worked examples and application problems: A three-step approach is used to show students how to apply concepts discussed.