Principles of Bone Biology

John P. Bilezikian, Lawrence G. Raisz, T. John Martin
Principles of Bone Biology
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Principles of Bone Biology is the essential resource for anyone involved in the study of bones. It is the most comprehensive, complete, up-to-date source of information on all aspects of bones and bone biology in one convenient source. Written and published in less than one year, it will become an indispensable resource for any scientific or medical library. This, second edition, details countless advances over the past five years, both by updating old chapters and providing additional material. It takes the reader from the basic elements of fundamental research to the most sophisticated concepts in therapeutics.
Data wydania: 2002
ISBN: 978-0-12-098652-1, 9780120986521
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press
Kategoria: Biologia
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