Primer to The Immune Response

T. Mak
Primer to The Immune Response
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Primer to The Immune Response" is an invaluable resource for college students, university undergraduates and students in medicine and other health professions who need a concise but complete and understandable introduction to immunology. This book is written in the same engaging conversational style as the published reference book "The Immune Response: Basic and Clinical Principles" and conveys the same fascinating appeal of immunology. The authors bring clarity, readability and continuity of voice to an audience that requires only a brief survey of the most fundamental concepts in basic and clinical immunology. "Primer to The Immune Response" is beautifully illustrated with over 200 superb figures and 36 full color plates, and further enhanced by the inclusion of 60 tables and 6 Appendices. Included with purchase of the book is web site access to a captivating 'Immunomovie' that truly brings the immune response to pathogens to life. This new and unique immunology textbook compactly but elegantly covers both basic and clinical principles. This title offers complete yet concise coverage of the basic and clinical principles of immunology.This title features: engaging conversational writing style that is to the point and very readable; over 200 elegant illustrations that use 2-4 colours and emphasize clarity; 60 tables that summarize important points; 36 full color plates of basic and clinical items of interest; special Topic Boxes that expand on key points; take-Home Message and 'Did You Get It?' Self-Test Quiz at the end of each chapter; comprehensive Glossary and List of Abbreviations; 6 Appendices that provide topic enrichment; 60 minute 'Immunomovie' illustrating the immune response to bacterial, viral and parastic infections; and, companion website housing illustrations/plates and immunomovie.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-12-374163-9, 9780123741639
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press

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