Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting

J. Palilonis
Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting
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A Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting" explains all of the most important skills and theoretical considerations for creating diagrams, charts, maps, and other forms of information graphics intended to provide readers with valuable visual and textual news and information. Research and writing skills as they relate to graphics reporting are explained, as well as illustration techniques for maps and diagrams, rules for creating basic charts and diagrams, and the various types of uses for maps in graphics reporting. While other texts related to these topics may address similar skill sets, "A Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting" uniquely teaches these skills in the context of journalistic storytelling and visual reporting. Newspapers, magazines, online publications, and various other media employ information graphics reporters. Studying this text in conjunction with instruction in journalistic visual storytelling prepares you to enter this field. This text offers a solid foundation for print and online graphics reporters and helps beginners and professionals alike become better, well-rounded visual communicators. While other texts related to these topics may address similar skill sets, "A Practical Guide to Graphics Reporting" uniquely teaches these skills in the context of journalistic storytelling and visual reporting. Newspapers, magazines, online publications, and various other media employ information graphics reporters. Studying this text in conjunction with instruction in journalistic visual storytelling prepares you to enter this field. This text offers a solid foundation for print and online graphics reporters and helps beginners and professionals alike become better, well-rounded visual communicators. It teaches the foundational skills every graphics reporter must learn to create engaging graphics. Each chapter includes interviews with experts and professionals in the field of graphics reporting and news design. The CD-ROM provides more depth with examples of interactive, and animated information graphics.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-240-80707-2, 9780240807072
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Focal Press

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