Polymer Optical Fibers

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Polymer Optical Fibers
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Polymer Optical Fibers summarizes research activities on polymer optical fibers to offer a complete perspective on this emerging topic. Polymer optical fibers are in great demand for the transmission and processing of optical communications compatible with the Internet, which is one of the fastest growing industries of modern times. This book is aimed to bring together, under a single cover, all aspects of plastic optical fibers including different classes of polymers; fiber fabrication techniques; laser sources used for optical fibers, mechanical properties; photosensitivity; poling and second harmonic generation; adhesion; donor--acceptor properties of surfaces; protective coatings; water resistance; stress corrosion; mechanical stability and deformation characteristics; temperature and pressure sensitivity; fiber elongation; optical fiber attenuation; planar optical waveguides; fiber gratings; refractive index distribution and their potential applications in telecommunication and high capacity transmission systems; WDM systems; gigabit ethernet; power splitters and couplers; amplifiers; sensors; filters; lenses; scramblers; integrated optical devices; frequency up-conversion; etc.Most up-to-date reference work summarizing latest research in polymeric optical fibers and their applications. A unique source of in-depth knowledge of polymer science, materials science, polymer physics, and optics of polymeric fibers. About 800 bibliographic citations and hundreds of illustrations, figures, tables, and equations. Fully cross-referenced, this book has a wide appeal as an essential reference source long due for the scientific community. A perfect multidisciplinary reference source for scientists, researchers, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners working in the field of optical fibers, fiber technology, polymer science and engineering, materials science.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-58883-012-8, 9781588830128
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: American Scientific Publishers

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